
Showing posts from December, 2018


So I finally did it. I took the plunge. I have finally decided to start a blog. Now, I won't parade myself around like some expert of a specific niche, unless of course, I eventually become an expert in a specific niche (that would be sweeeet). But no, this is something entirely different. This blog will probably be as unorganized, messy and maybe at times as confusing (I hope not the latter) as my blog page name "Pure Entropy". Pause. Take a moment to look up "entropy" if you are unsure of its meaning. It's really a beautiful thing! back to the point I was getting at. This will be a space for me to share thoughts, ideas, feeeeeelsss (all those feels), and really anything and everything! Life can be so confusing, random and mysterious. I won't do it justice if I wrap it up all up for you in a neatly packaged present. Though, if I did it would totally be the kind with the huge over exaggerated bow that does not match the wrapping. So welcom